Once Upon a Time...

Well, once upon a time, I longed for a narwhal tusk on a stand. If only I could own an object of such beauty, my life would be complete. Life continued and I found that Life was completed through connection and communication. Through connection with higher powers, other humans, animals, and nature.

Yet still, the lingering obsession remained that I needed something tall and elegant to reach towards the skies. And if it were useful, that would make it all the better. I tried driftwood and preserved wood and African energy screens. Still, the lingering and longing were there.

Then I landed upon these. Oyster poles at Robert Young Antiques and they are beautiful. And potentially useful. Like many of the authentic and lovely pieces at #robertyoungantiques πŸ–€πŸ•ŠπŸŒΏ...

#antiques #beautifulanduseful #tradesecrets#interiors #style #oysterpoles #thegoodstuff#share #knowledge